This version of loader works well

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This version of loader works well

Post by jbperin »

Hi all,

I recently faced severe difficulties with the loader.asm that comes with osdk_1_20\sample\floppybuilder

I was trying to use it to load some textures pack when player change area in the game scene.

And the texture was half split then reverted and then started to vanish. It was very strange.

I turned to the loader available here:

And then it started working nicely.

Some graphics from Project Utumno imported into Castoric:
creatures.gif (406.58 KiB) Viewed 5563 times
This loader is great !!
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by ibisum »

Drool! :)

Looks great. Can't wait to see how far you take this ..
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by Chema »

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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by jbperin »

ibisum wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 12:15 pm Looks great. Can't wait to see how far you take this ..
I myself wonder how long the Oric will accept me to put some code in its memory.

The next step is to add a shooting system to destroy the monster that prevents me from reaching the princess.

It should look like that (in less buggy):
shootMonster.gif (125.66 KiB) Viewed 5393 times
Chema wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 1:22 pmAmazing!
Thank you. Both for this kind word and for the code that I use which comes from you (in keyboard handling and disk loader).
Dbug loves to say that we are sitting on giant's shoulders.
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by Dbug »

jbperin wrote: Sun Nov 10, 2024 3:15 pm Dbug loves to say that we are sitting on giant's shoulders.
Technically you don't have to sit. You could be standing, crouching, jumping, etc... just make sure the giant does not get annoyed :)
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by jbperin »

Hi all,

I plan to use the floppy builder and loader in order to get 16k more memory for my next software.

But I'm facing a severe issue with the floppy loader mecanism on ORIC that I can't overcome.

The attached archive demonstrate the issue I'm facing.

It is a program that only loads the standard BASIC screen (@ $BB80) with the appropriate charset to display it (@ $B400).

Code: Select all

void gameInit(void){
    LoadFileAt(BASIC_SCREEN, 0xBB80);
    LoadFileAt(LOADER_CHARSET_STANDARD, 0xb400);

void gamePulse(void){
When I build and run the project with commands:

Code: Select all

osdk_build.bat && osdk_execute.bat
I can see on screen and in memory that the loading works nicely.
But when I try to transition to a better version of the floppy loader that I located in directory RomlessGame\code\loader.
It fails .. And I can't understand why

for example, If I copy files from RomlessGame\code\loader\fromMiJuego into RomlessGame\code\loader to replace the builder used during build,
I cannot find my basic screen in memory.
As thought it is not loaded .
Can anyone help me understand what's wrong with my code ?

I used to use the loader provided with the OSDK .. and I made several prototypes with it.
But when I started using it intensively for MiJuego, I realized it was somewhat buggy and then I decided to take a better version.

I found that Dbug uses his own adaptation of the floppy thing from Chema's Blake 7 in Encounter and I decided to use this more recent version.

I managed to make MiJuego with this "new" version.

But now I'm trying to use the floppy thing on a blank new Romless project .. and I'm blocked by this misunderstanding.

Please Help If You Can.
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by jbperin »

The problem was coming from the file code/overlay.s where I define where are going to be loaded lookup tables and textures in high memory

I had to change:

Code: Select all

; raytables.bin 4437 octets
* = $ED95

Code: Select all

; raytables.bin 4437 octets
; TODO . should be * = $ED95
* = $EC00
I don't know why .. I presume it is address conflict with the loader or something like that.

I put that in the box "Things I should try to understand but I'm going to try to live without understanding it".
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by Dbug »

Well, you could add some conditional check in your overlay file that the address does not overlap after FLOPPY_LOADER_ADDRESS.

In loader.asm there are quite a few checks like that:

Code: Select all

#if ( _Vectors <> $FFDE )
#error - Vector address is incorrect, loader will crash
So at the end of overlay.s you could have something like:

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#error - Overlay file is overwriting the loader
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by Chema »

Memmap is a great utility to show where things may overlap, as soon as you define labels for each section. ... age=memmap
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by jbperin »

Dbug wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 3:13 pm
So at the end of overlay.s you could have something like:

Code: Select all

#error - Overlay file is overwriting the loader
I tried to add the following lines at the end of the overlay.s file :

Code: Select all

#error - Overlay file is overwriting the loader
And I got the following error message:

Code: Select all

#error - Overlay file is overwriting the loader
C:\Users\jbperin\Documents\RomlessGame\code\overlay.s(50):  fd55:Syntax error
Break after 1 errors
ERROR : Build failed.
For information, $fd55 looks like the osdk_stack in my case .. (look below)

Chema wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2024 5:04 pm Memmap is a great utility to show where things may overlap, as soon as you define labels for each section. ... age=memmap
Yes I use it quiet often through the osdk_showmap.bat script in order to evaluate how much memory I use.
I even used it to calculate the adress I could put my lookup tables at.

Here's the end of the overlay memory mapping:

Code: Select all

$ec00	64	64	_multi120_low
$ec40	64	64	_multi120_high
$fc55	256	256	_tab_1overcos
$fd55	256	256	osdk_stack
$fe55	4	4	osdk_check
$fe59	403	403	osdk_end
$ffec	3	3	_LoaderApiSaveData
$ffef	1	1	_LoaderApiFileStartSector
$fff0	1	1	_LoaderApiFileStartTrack
$fff1	1	1	_LoaderApiFileSize, _LoaderApiFileSizeLow
$fff2	1	1	_LoaderApiFileSizeHigh
$fff3	1	1	_LoaderApiJump
$fff4	1	1	_LoaderApiAddress, _LoaderApiAddressLow
$fff5	1	1	_LoaderApiAddressHigh
$fff6	1	1	_LoaderFDCRegisterOffset
$fff7	8	8	_LoaderApiLoadFile
I really don't understand how the loader could fit between $ffec and $fffa
It is as if symbols of the loader was not all visible in the memory mapping.
I don't understand

I know my lookup tables is 4437 bytes long (i.e. 0xfd55-0xec00)
So, at first I had naïvely substracted 4437 to the adress of the first loader symbol (i.e. _LoaderApiSaveData at $ffec) and substracted the size of osdk_stack and pointers .. to reach the value $ED95
But It was badly crashing .. so I started decrease the adress more and more ..
It started working around $EC00 .. So I set $EC00 and than decided not to change any more.
I'm sure I'm losing some bytes here.

Moreover, I don't understand why, when I'm building a DSK with OSDK, I have to manually copy the symbol file to the %OSDK%\Oricutron directory if I want symbols to match the real memory mapping.
There seems to be several passes when elaborating a .DSK from various .TAP and the symbol that is used looks like an intermediate one .. or something like that.

If someone has a clue about that .. I would love to read it.
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by Chema »

I am not sure if I'll be able to clear things up. Dbug is who made the tool. In my sources the loader code starts at $fd00, not at the usual $fe00, because I added the saving routine and some other things. If osdk_end is greater than that value, you run into trouble.

From $ffce up what you have is just labels with data and API entry points, so they are just a jmp <address> to the location of the corresponding routine.

And, yes, the build is done in several passes. Not sure what to answer to your other questions... I may re-read them later (I am at my phone now) and see if I can help.
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by Dbug »

The reason why you don't have the symbols for the loader is because the loader is not built at the same time, it's two different executables and what you see if just the "loading api" which is at the end of the program.

For Encounter I modified my build script to save the loader symbols and glue them to the main program symbols:

Code: Select all

%osdk%\bin\xa -DASSEMBLER=XA -DFREQUENCY_%FREQUENCY% -DDISPLAYINFO=%DISPLAYINFO% loader.asm -o ..\build\files\loader.o -l ..\build\symbols_Loader
copy build\symbols+..\build\symbols_Loader ..\build\symbols_GameProgram >NUL
%osdk%\bin\MemMap.exe -s30 build\symbols_GameProgram build\map_game.htm Game %OSDK%\documentation\documentation.css
explorer build\map_game.htm
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by jbperin »

Chema wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 4:10 pm the loader code starts at $fd00
OK thank you very much for this information. :D

It will allow me to tune a bit more accurately my memory usage in this area.

Dbug wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:01 pm For Encounter I modified my build script to save the loader symbols and glue them to the main program symbols:
Hey .. That's interesting. I will try to apply the same in my project.
Thank you ;-)
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by Chema »

The loader address is stared in the floppybuilderscript.txt file. Here is my code in Blake's 7:

Code: Select all

; Now here is the loader code, that one is Microdisc only
SetPosition 0 4
WriteLoader ..\build\files\loader.o $fd00 ;$fe00 		; Sector 4
I am sure it ends up in floppy_description.h as the defined tag FLOPPY_LOADER_ADDRESS
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Re: This version of loader works well

Post by jbperin »

Chema wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:05 am
I am sure it ends up in floppy_description.h as the defined tag FLOPPY_LOADER_ADDRESS
Oups .. indeed .. I could have figured it out if I had inspected more carefully the generated file.

I indeed have:

Code: Select all

#define FLOPPY_LOADER_ADDRESS 64768   // Address where the loader is loaded on boot ($fd00)
in my generated floppy_description.h

Thanks a lot !!
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