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lst2sym - tool for OSDK+Oricutron users

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 12:00 pm
by iss
EDIT: This tool is useful only if you use newer version of XA, else the XA from OSDK works perfect 'as is'!

lst2sym is little tool for converting XA's output lst file to compatible Oricutron's input symbol file.

Here are sample source file, explanation of lst2sym usage and the result in Oricutron:

Code: Select all

; test.asm for lst2asm
one = 1
two = 2
* = $80
hex_80 .byt 0
* = $600
        lda one
        ldy two
        sta (hex_80),y
        jmp main
compile source with XA: xa -M -W -bt 1536 -o test -l test.lst test.asm
This will generate LST file:
one, 0x0001, 0, 0x0000
two, 0x0002, 0, 0x0000
hex_80, 0x0080, 0, 0x0005
main, 0x0600, 0, 0x0000

convert LST to SYM: lst2sym test.lst test.sym
Now SYM file contains the symbols sorted by their address in Oricutron symbol-file format:
0001 one
0002 two
0080 hex_80
0600 main

... add TAP header: header test test.tap 1536
... and run Oricutron: oricutron -ma -r1536 -s test.sym test.tap
( -r1536 defines break-point at $600 and you can see in the disassembly window all symbols)
Attached contains:
- the source code of lst2sym in paranoiac pure ANSI-C ;)
- all files mentioned in the above demo.
(70.39 KiB) Downloaded 580 times
Taking the risk to make this post boring long here is the history of lst2sym:
It was born as lua script:

Code: Select all

local function error(s) print(s); os.exit(-1) end
if 2 ~= #arg then error("Usage: "..arg[0].." <in file> <out file>") end
local fi =[1],"r") or error("Can't open '"..arg[1].."'")
local fo =[2],"w") or error("Can't open '"..arg[2].."'")
for l in fi:lines() do
  l = l:gsub("\n",""):gsub("\r",""):gsub(" ","")
    function(s,a) fo:write(a:gsub("0x","")," ",s,"\n") end)
... than simple bash command:
cat test.lst |awk '{ print $2 $1 }'| sed -e 's/^0x//g' -e 's/,/ /g' > test.sym

... and finished in C source - to be suitable for integration in the OSDK ;)

I hope this will be useful for all Oric developers!

Re: lst2sym - tool for OSDK+Oricutron users

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:26 pm
by Chema
It is nice to see new tools for OSDK, thanks indeed!

However I think I did not get it. When compiling & executing with OSDK I get a symbol file which is loaded into Oricutron automatically and I can see all my source-defined symbols...

I am sure I am missing something...

Re: lst2sym - tool for OSDK+Oricutron users

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:27 pm
by iss
Yes, Chema, you are completely right! :oops:
The XA comming with OSDK is version 2.2.3 and it generates LST file exactly as for Oricutron input.
I'm using a newer version of XA - 2.3.7 and the output LST has the new format as shown in my first post.

So, lst2sym is obviously not very useful, but it's better to work in vain than doing nothing!
If one day OSDK is upgraded to newer XA this tool will become 'fashionable' :lol:

Re: lst2sym - tool for OSDK+Oricutron users

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:10 pm
by Chema
Ah, I see. Well if OSDK is ever updated to use a newer version of XA it will be invaluable :)

Re: lst2sym - tool for OSDK+Oricutron users

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:46 pm
by Dbug
Chema wrote:Ah, I see. Well if OSDK is ever updated to use a newer version of XA it will be invaluable :)
Or I could just re-implement my patch: I was the one that added the compatibility to Euphoric symbol files into the XA we are using.

Re: lst2sym - tool for OSDK+Oricutron users

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 9:02 pm
by polluks
cc65 has sym support built-in.

Re: lst2sym - tool for OSDK+Oricutron users

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:01 pm
by Chema
Dbug wrote:
Chema wrote:Ah, I see. Well if OSDK is ever updated to use a newer version of XA it will be invaluable :)
Or I could just re-implement my patch: I was the one that added the compatibility to Euphoric symbol files into the XA we are using.
I had no idea :? Should have imagined something like that :D

Re: lst2sym - tool for OSDK+Oricutron users

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:22 pm
by iss
polluks wrote:FYI
cc65 has sym support built-in.
Is there any symbol output closer to Oricutron's input than cc65 MAP file?
If not, this lua code converts cc65 MAP file to usable Oricutron SYM file:

Code: Select all

local function error(s) print(s); os.exit(-1) end
if 2 ~= #arg then error("Usage: "..arg[0].." <in file> <out file>") end
local fi =[1],"r") or error("Can't open '"..arg[1].."'")
local fo =[2],"w") or error("Can't open '"..arg[2].."'")
local flag = 0
local sym = {}
for l in fi:lines() do
  l = l:gsub("\n",""):gsub("\r","")
  if 1 == l:find("Exports list by value:") or "" == l then
    flag = 0 -- stop parser
  elseif 1 == l:find("Exports list by name:") then
    flag = 1 -- skip one separator line
  elseif(flag == 1) then
    flag = 2 -- start parser
  elseif(flag == 2) then
    l:gsub("([^ ]*) *([^ ]*) *([^ ]*) *([^ ]*) *([^ ]*) *([^ ]*)",
      if a1 and ""~= a1 and s1 and ""~=s1 and "00"==a1:sub(1,2) then
        table.insert(sym,a1:sub(3).." "..s1)
      if a2 and ""~= a2 and s2 and ""~=s2 and "00"==a2:sub(1,2) then
        table.insert(sym,a2:sub(3).." "..s2)
for _,l in ipairs(sym) do
It works well for me and I added it to my cc65 toolchain ;).

Re: lst2sym - tool for OSDK+Oricutron users

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:24 pm
by polluks
iss wrote: Is there any symbol output closer to Oricutron's input than cc65 MAP file?
The cc65 option "-Ln name" is even closer :!: